Eclipse is free and opensource software devlopment environment, it consists of an integrated devlopment environment and plugin based system. It is originally written in java.
It was originally released by IBM in 2001 and supported by many big software vendors. The Eclipse Foundation was created in January 2004 as an independent not-for- profit corporation to act as the steward of the Eclipse community. The independent not-for-profit corporation was created to allow a vendor neutral and open, transparent community to be established around Eclipse. Today, the Eclipse community consists of individuals and organizations from a cross section of the software industry.
The Eclipse Public License (EPL) is the fundamental license under which Eclipse projects are released. The Free Software Foundation has said that both licenses are free software licenses, but are incompatible with the GNU General Public License (GPL).
Eclipse is an industry standard SDK it has major competition with Oraclæ / šun NetBeans and Micřosofŧ Vĭşūãį studiø. It is definately not for students learning programing but for who have intermediate or advanced knowledge.
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