Dear readers, by now, the emotional storms over some very controversial laws have passed, so you will be able to read the following article with a calm and rational mind. Moreover, I purposefully refrained from posting this thing back then in order to reduce the noise and allow people to focus on the real efforts of stopping these laws. Now that we're in the clear, the trolling can commenc.
What I want to tell you is how you can effectively boycott companies, how you can easily circumvent draconian laws without breaking any law, and finally, what protests, boycotts and revolutions are really about. If you thought liking someone on Failbook constitutes as your Fifth of November, then you are mistaken. In real life, things are a bit more stringent than that. So do follow me.
continue readingThis article is originally posted on www.dedoimedo.com by Igor Ljubuncic . He is fantanstic writer he has written novels and many articles on computers, security, games etc this article is subject to copyright of dedoimedo.com.
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