Arch linux is distribution that is simple, powerful and highly configurable. Arch is built upon on the principles of KISS-Kiss It Simple Stupid . The iso of arch is available for i686 and X86_64 and is 400sumthing mb download.
Now when you get arch iso and start installing you have to follow Official Installation Guide or Arch Beginner's Guide and after installing you are greeted by a command prompt now at this point you can choose any desktop enviromment to install namely Gnome, KDE, XFCE, LXDE, cinnamon etc. After it you can choose to install AUR ( Arch User Repositry ) an alternate source of downloading bleeding edge software
Arch has many features it is simple, and higly configurable . Another feature is rolling nature it means when you update your system you get the latest and greatest packages no need to reinstall in every six months also arch linux has got excellent documentation.
Arch has got downsides to it is not new-bie friendly and the community is not so friendly other than this its great
Conclusion- arch is very nice higly configurable OS for itermediate and advanced users who want full control of their system. Download
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