Friday, October 26, 2012

Project Cloud Tab

This is my idea of next generation tablet please excuse me for my bad english.

I was imagining how much tablet could be cheaper. Of course the cheapest conventional tablet is Akash Tab. But the problem is that it has the software that is heavy on its processor. To overcome this problem I thought of the sitution where a low end computer do a heavy job . So I could thought of OPERA MINI mobile browser and thin clients.
Now, Opera mini preformats the pages in their servers before displaying it in the browser . The result is you could view the web pages properly that would have not been possible in a conventional way secondly, it lowers the data usage.
Similary, thin clients have a little processing power of their own they depend on the server to which they are connected.
So, A Cloud Tab should be like a thin client and running opEra mini like software. Therefore it should have a processor and RAM similar to Akash or can be little inferior. We dont need any local memory for storage data all we need is a BIOS/ROM chip that would just start the device and connect it to main server. But the tab should have good Wifi/3G/4G connection so that it could boot wirlessly from the main server. We also dont need any bluetooth for file sharing locally it can be done in cloud from the interface. The OS should be like a browser and the the main server will responsible for processing and everything else. As far choice of software only free software wll be used.
The Tab part over There should be bunch of servers from where tab will boot. There will be an account for an user on starting and logging in the device it will give that users his/her personalised settings and interface. Another advantage of this system is a single tab could be shared or leased . Now if a person wants to save anything in the tab it will just be copied to server account of the user thats not something new.
The main disadvantage of this device that the service provider have to set up additional servers and good connection in order of a few Mbps that will be huge inital investment but the tablet will cost very less to end user in order of few thousand rupees or the service provider even could lease the device for a few hundred rupees and could charge for network and servers. But, if cloudTab is mass produced it will be eventually become cheaper than Akash. But to for cloud tab to be commercially successful it should also have good security and data encryption also it should tightly integrate with some social network that will respect users privacy yet functionall. Also there is a need of many apps.
Thus, this tablet is not only about developing cheap tab but also cheap yet fast net connection , application and thus a whole GNU TAB ecosystem that will empower the education and digital freedom of many.

Potential uses

It could be used in college campus or educational institutes and teachers and parents could control how and what should the student read write or access over the net.
Army could issue to each soldier to help him navigate, send commands and better situational awarness but if the device is lost it cannot be used ny enemy because doesnt have any local data or so and beside the device was cheap.
As a cheap ebook reader.
Now my biggest question how could i make this device ? I don know where to start from . Every suggestion will be welcomed.

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