Linux mint debian edition 201204 has been released. It comes in three flavours Mate, Cinnamon and XFCE . Both the MATE/Cinnamon and Xfce editions use the MDM display manager. MDM will look familiar to many people, as it brings back GDM 2.20 and all its features: Remote login, configuration tools, fast-user switching, theme-ability, language selection…etc.

LINUX MINT DEBIAN as it sounds is built upon debian and packages are compatible with debian testing and therefore incompatible with ubuntu.Another advantage of using debian testing is the rolling nature you don't have to reinstall in every six months to hav latest packages just update your system and you have latest and greatest system though the con is your system may sometimes become unstable but you also get the fixes early. As far stability is concerned it is quite stable for home and office use
Now to user experience the default DE is Mate and as all of you know it is a fork of gnome 2 and i am very happy to see the old menu back that was available in '' Katya'' . Also the gnome 2 app have been forked and renamed. Cinnamon 1.4 is also available, in my opinion its the best DE available today its based on Gtk 3+ cinnamon looks classic and works well and have some modern enhancements. I feel this debian based release is better than their last ubuntu based release. So definately check this out consider donating to linux mints to make linux mint better and better. I hav also found an interesting video on Linux4UnMe channel
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