Debian is one of the greatest distro of all times. It was first announced by Ian Murdock in 1993. The term debian comes from Ian's wife Debra and Ian himself. Debian inspired and become base for many other popular distribution such as Ubuntu, linix mint etc.
Debian is available for every kind of processor available today . Debian has linux kernel or free bsd kernel or Hurd kernel. Debian is currently available in three version:-
stable 6.0 "Squeeze''
Testing "Wheezy''
Unstable ''Sid''
The stable version is rock solid stabilty no crash debian developers actually modify every program to make it stable. The downside is packages are little bit old. The stable.
The testing edition is rolling nature and is quite stable but you can still have crash and the unstable edition is also rolling and is software is of bleeding edge and can crash anytime.
Debian default package manger is aptitude also there os gdebi and now a remake of ubuntu software center is also available. Debian repositories contain largest no of packages. Debian comes preinstalled in either of four desktop environments gnome, kde, lxde and xfce, but others such as fluxbox, openbox, jmw etc are also available in repos.
Debian stable is recomended for people who use computer for productivity. Debian testing for people who does casual computing and unstable for those who want latest and greatest and live bleeding edge
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